Adult BookBox Reading Profile

General Information


Preferred Format

Select preferred, if any. If you do not have a strong preference, do not select any item.


Select preferred genres. If you do not have a strong preference, do not select any item.

Books & Authors

Your Favorite Books/Authors (please list at least 5)

Settings & Characters


Select settings you would like to read about. Specify locations if desired. Do not select a setting if you have no preference.



In the list that follows, select interests about which you would like to read. Do not select the subject if you do not have a preference.
Content Checkboxes

Tone & Mood

In the list that follows, select words that describe books you'd like to read. Do not select the subject if you do not have a preference.
Tone and Mood Checkboxes


How long do you prefer your books? Select your preference for each length.