Holiday Closure

The library will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. Regular open hours resume Tuesday, February 18th.

Need something to read, watch, or listen to while we're closed? Click "Stream & Download" below to access ebooks, audiobooks, and more!


The library is able to provide a high quality of service to its patrons because of support in the form of gifts and donations.

Donations have been important to the improvement of library services in many ways:

  • Expansion and remodeling of the library building to meet present and future needs.
  • New computers and other equipment so essential to today’s library services.
  • New tables, chairs, and other furniture items.
  • High quality educational and cultural programs for children and adults.
  • Gifts of books to children for them to keep, often the child’s first book.
  • New books, magazines, audio books, music compact discs, videos, DVDs. Many of these collections were created with gift funds.

Materials for the Collection

The library gladly accepts books or other materials, or donations for purchase of materials, so that the public has access to items the library might not otherwise be able to purchase.

Gift books or other materials need to meet the same criteria as other additions to the collection and are integrated into the regular library collection for use by all library users.  Donated materials that do not meet the needs of the library will be sold at the Friends of the Library books sales. Proceeds from the sales are used to buy new books or equipment for the Library.

Tax Deductions & Credits

Donations accepted by the Library, by the Friends of the Library, or the Coos Bay Public Library Foundation are tax deductible. While the library cannot determine the value of your donated materials, there are several helpful sources to check values of donated materials.  Please check with the Reference Desk for these sources. 

If you donate to the library, the Friends, or the Foundation, and make a matching gift to the Oregon Cultural Trust, that gift is a tax credit on your Oregon tax return, see for more information.

Memorial Donations

Donations may be given in memory or recognition of someone you wish to honor. This is a lasting gift to the community. Library staff will work with you in selecting materials that are both relevant to the person being honored and appropriate to the collection. Books will be marked with a special bookplate acknowledging the donation. A card of thanks will be sent to the donor and cards of acknowledgement will be sent to family members or other appropriate groups or individuals.